

I'm the King. I'm the lord.

暴力 boy 就是愛超級黃金頭槌頂撞她

Momster 又來抓我回家了
怎麼辦耶? 伙伴們, 掩護我!

Treasure. My precious.

You can stand under my umbrella.


It's a glass of ECHO.

Catch me if you can.

剎那間, 坐在蛋蛋上的男人啾咪了

Look at my balls.
Smell 'em with kisses.

小腳板走天涯. 你是媽媽的勇氣!!

Designer Echo 大搗蛋

Hello-lo, Echo-co. ♥

Echo the killer: 洞不是我挖的

小窩規劃署署長瘋狂堆紙! 塞! 塞! 塞!



王子: 來吧我甚麼都答應

Maybe sushi w/o chopsticks.

Fantastic. ♥

Give me more.

What? Dare you say no?

Hunter hunting honey.

Now it's getting hot.
I finally free my big balls.

Echo the real man ♥

Oh my princess!!

I bet you like massage.

Poo poo everywhere.
Pee pee over there.


Ba-na-na! Ba-na-na!

Let me go, you MOMster.
Trust me or TRY ME.

I can save the burgers
if you share some coins.

拳頭緊握著的甜夢中 ♥


新鮮水水最好喝了 ♥

每個香吻盛惠核桃幣 2g

媽媽: Come on. 笑一個
仔仔: 這甚麼侵犯私隱的爛尺



Let's have our picnic lunch.

Once you go black,
you'll never go back.

I'm a strong chubby baby.
I love to eat and sleep.
And I'll get you out of here.

Kiss me on the UFO.
Cuddle is just all I know.

<< 背 影 >> 豬自己

他吃了幾口, 回過頭看見我, 說:
''不是吧, 裡邊沒核桃.''

愛回家の誰又愛健檢? =)

Mama: 我愛寶貝仔!!
Eco-echo: 我愛南瓜仔!!

Act like a king ♥
makes me the King.

Echo: Good morning, mom.
Mama: Good night, love.
Mama: Good morning, boy.
Echo: Good night, monster!

Eco-echo: 乾爽短髮好害羞!
Mama: 沒有啦, 王子蛋蛋放輕鬆